Gwenn - Gwenaëlle
Publié le 15 Janvier 2015
L'utopie est la bouche par laquelle s'exprime la perfection. C'est dans ce lieu que s'exerce la sagesse. L'étude des langues y est un sage exercice. C'est par la volonté, le travail et le jeu que vient la connaissance.
We learnt that the idea of utopia is very old, actually it comes from the Bible. It was the myth of the Tower of Babel which was the first utopia. In this myth, everyone speaks with the same language and it is utopian. For Sir Thomas More, the author of Utopia, the languages were very important so he created a language for his book. Mrs. Bolduc told us a bit of the history of languages through her personal life. We learnt the existence of different dialects for every countries. For example the “Joual” which is a Quebec dialect. We learnt that to be a translator, we need to know the culture of the country where the other language is spoken.
It was very interesting, we learnt a lot of things. Moreover, the professor was very nice and her job is very interesting. Then, it was good to meet someone living in the USA who is interested in France, in our culture and language. It was cool to see landscapes from the United States, in the slideshow, which were very beautiful. Finally, we appreciated to deal with Utopia and the Tower of Babel.
Gwenn and Gwenaëlle