Ninon-Marine N.

Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

Mon roi et conquérant du nom d’Utopie,

Un prince renommé et d’une immortelle célébrité,

A créé pour moi, une île qui autrefois n’en était pas une,

Entièrement composée des richesses du monde,

Avec plaisir et réconfort.

J’ai, un de tous les autres qui sont sans philosophie,

Majoritairement formé cette cité philosophique.

Et pour ma part, je n’ai rien de dangereux à partager,

C’est tellement mieux de recevoir, je suis prêt avec tout mon cœur.


 We have learnt that Michelle Bolduc is an American translator. Her favorite author is Chaïm Perelman, a Belgian who started to write in the middle of the 20th century. She also translates poetry, especially by Anne Jullien. Her family comes from Montreal, but they moved to Massachusetts. She was only 22 when she left her parents to go to Oregon, then Arizona where she spent 4 years, and Wisconsin...

Then, we learnt how to translate a text. It was an extract from Utopia, written by Thomas More. It was pretty difficult because there were signs and not letters.

It was interesting because it was new for us, we had never done that sort of work before. We were happy to meet Michelle Bolduc because she really took the time to explain us her job, her life and shared her passion. And we learnt how intelligent Thomas More was, and we better understand what he wanted to do during the 16th century.

Ninon – Marine N. 1L



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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016

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