Articles avec #michelle bolduc 2016 tag

Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

Rencontre avec Michelle Bolduc de l'Université de Milwaukee


Les élèves de première L du lycée de l'Élorn ont rencontré Michelle Bolduc, professeure et traductrice à l'Université de Milwaukee, Winsconsin (USA). Plusieurs thèmes ont été abordés comme la Tour de Babel (mythe à l'origine de la diversité des langues), la traduction …. Cette rencontre faisait partie d'un projet interdisciplinaire sur le thème de l'Utopie qui a été étudié en français et en anglais à partir de différents supports (textes, photos …). Cette séance a permis aux élèves d'échanger avec Mme Bolduc et de se livrer à un exercice de traduction ludique de la première page de l'édition de 1516 d'Utopia de Thomas More.

Texte utilisé lors de la traduction ludique

Texte utilisé lors de la traduction ludique

Illustration extraite de Utopie

Illustration extraite de Utopie

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

Mon roi et conquérant, Utopos de nom

Un prince de grande renommée avec une notoriété immortelle

m'a créé une île où jadis, il n'y avait pas d'îlot

remplie de perfection avec une richesse mondiale

avec du plaisir et de la consolation.

Moi, celui de tous qui n'a pas de philosophie,

ai bâti, pour beaucoup, une ville philosophique.

Et moi je n'ai rien de nuisible à diffuser.

C'est tellement mieux de recevoir, je suis prêt,

avec mon cœur tout entier.


First, we have learnt about Michelle Bolduc's life. She is a translator who lives in the USA, she was born in Massachusetts, and her grandparents spoke Quebecois so she wanted to learn it; that's why she got interested in languages. She traveled all around the USA, in different states for years.

Then, we worked on Utopia by Thomas MORE, we didn't know he created a special Utopian language until that day. We started to try to translate this language by guessing the words which seemed like Latin or Spanish for example.


It was a good experience for us to meet a woman who has lived in lots of places and who knows many languages. The work on Utopia was original and interesting. The interaction between Michelle Bolduc and us was lively and friendly because she is nice and quite funny.

                                                                             Kathleen – Marilou 1L

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

Mon roi et conquérant, connu sous le nom d'Utopus,

est un prince célèbre et immortel.

Il m'a fait un îlot là où il n'y avait pas d'île

avec des ressources du monde entier,

plaisir et réconfort.

Je suis un parmi ceux qui n'ont pas l'esprit philosophique

façonné pour beaucoup comme «la cité philosophique».

Et moi, je n'ai rien de dangereux à partager,

donc je suis prêt à recevoir avec tout mon cœur.


We have learnt that going to several countries can be profitable to translate texts or books. Moreover the story of The Tower of Babel was very interesting because it shows that is important to speak different languages in order to understand everybody and also to be understood by everybody. We think that Mrs Bolduc is an amazing translator and her life is a model. When she came in our class, we spoke about Utopia by Thomas More and we understood that it is not easy to translate this book. That is why, we think Mrs Bolduc does a remarkable job.


We would like to have the same life as Mrs Bolduc because her life is an amazing experience. Like her, we love traveling and this woman uses languages to do something meaningful. It is true that her job is difficult. So we think that being alone and doing everything in order to succeed is incredible. For us, Mrs Bolduc has a wonderful life.


Noëlline – Mathys 1L


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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

A great translator


On Monday, December 14th,Michelle Bolduc, an American Professor at the University of Milwaukee in the state of Wisconsin and a translator came in our class in order to talk about herself and her job as a translator but also about Thomas More and Utopia. It was very interesting and we have learnt a lot during these two hours.


She talked about her trip across the United States when she was twenty years old. We think that it is an enriching experience which helps understand the world.


Moreover, Michelle Bolduc is a translator and she speaks several languages such as German, Italian, French, Hebrew and English of course. Speaking a lot of languages is something very important for her job as a translator.


She has translated books and poems. During the last hour, we talked about the story of the Tower of Babel, what it is and we also worked together with our English and French teachers about Utopia written by Thomas More. We have discovered the Utopian language created by More. We were also asked to translate from Utopian to English and then, from English to French.


It was a great moment which has enabled us to make links with all our lessons. It was very enriching to meet someone who has traveled so much.



Mon roi et mon conquérant nommé Utopos

En prince renommé, d'une immortelle célébrité,

M'a créé une île comme il n'en existe pas d'autres,

Parfaite , rassemblant toute la richesse du monde,

Et le plaisir comme le réconfort.

Je suis la personne la moins philosophique,

Mais pourtant celle qui a construite cette ville.

Je n'ai rien de dangereux à offrir.

C'est tellement mieux de recevoir

     Je suis prêt, de tout mon cœur.


                                             Enora – Jade 1L



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Publié le 21 Janvier 2016



Mon roi et conquérant du nom d'Utopie

Un prince de haute renommée et d'un immortel succès

A fait de moi une île qui jadis n'existait pas

Débordante de richesse du monde,

par plaisir et consolation.

Je suis l'un de ceux sans philosophie,

Et la mienne n'a rien de dangereux à transmettre,

Il est meilleur de recevoir, je suis prêt

Avec tout mon cœur


On Monday, December 14th, we learnt a lot about Utopia, for example about Utopian Alphabet. We learnt some words in Greek and Latin etc.. Mrs Bolduc told us about her life. She traveled across the United States: she left Massachusetts to go to Oregon by car: the trip lasted 5 days. Then, she wanted to see another landscape so she drove to Arizona, the trip lasted 3 days. Finally, she went to Wisconsin. We learnt a lot about her life. She can speak many languages like Spanish, French, English, German and Italian. It was very interesting.


We think that living abroad is very interesting and fascinating. With the help of Mrs.Bolduc we know more about the job of translator. She is a strong woman. We are very lucky to get this lecture with her and we hope she will come back to tell us more about her amazing life!


Camille – Romain 1L

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

Mon roi et conquérant du nom d’Utopie,

Un prince renommé et d’une immortelle célébrité,

A créé pour moi, une île qui autrefois n’en était pas une,

Entièrement composée des richesses du monde,

Avec plaisir et réconfort.

J’ai, un de tous les autres qui sont sans philosophie,

Majoritairement formé cette cité philosophique.

Et pour ma part, je n’ai rien de dangereux à partager,

C’est tellement mieux de recevoir, je suis prêt avec tout mon cœur.


 We have learnt that Michelle Bolduc is an American translator. Her favorite author is Chaïm Perelman, a Belgian who started to write in the middle of the 20th century. She also translates poetry, especially by Anne Jullien. Her family comes from Montreal, but they moved to Massachusetts. She was only 22 when she left her parents to go to Oregon, then Arizona where she spent 4 years, and Wisconsin...

Then, we learnt how to translate a text. It was an extract from Utopia, written by Thomas More. It was pretty difficult because there were signs and not letters.

It was interesting because it was new for us, we had never done that sort of work before. We were happy to meet Michelle Bolduc because she really took the time to explain us her job, her life and shared her passion. And we learnt how intelligent Thomas More was, and we better understand what he wanted to do during the 16th century.

Ninon – Marine N. 1L



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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

Translation of Four verses in the Utopian tongue



 Mon roi et conquérant Utopien de nom,

Un prince de grande renommée et de célébrité immortelle,

Qui m'a créé une île qui n'en était pas une avant,

Pleine de perfection, avec une forte richesse et du réconfort.


Je ne suis pas un de tous ces philosophes,

J'ai façonné de nombreuses villes philosophiques

Et moi je n'ai rien de dangereux à partager

Je suis prêt à toujours recevoir

De tout mon cœur.



Yesterday, we learnt a lot of information about the life of Mrs. Bolduc and about Utopia. First of all, we discovered that a translator can earn a lot of money and her work is very interesting because she travels through the USA. Thanks to that, she discovered many different American accents and cultures. Moreover, we learnt more about the story of the Babel tower, in fact it can be a Utopia but also a dystopia. Furthermore, Thomas More wrote a mysterious alphabet.



First of all, the lecture by Mrs. Bolduc was interesting because she is a fascinating woman. It was lively but sometimes it was a little bit difficult to follow her. And translating the extract was difficult too.


Noemie LQ.-Lena 1L

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016

Utopia and Translation


Yesterday, Michelle Bolduc, an American translator came in our class for 2 hours. She told us that her family came from Montreal and that her grand-parents spoke Quebecois. When she was 20, she started to travel a lot across the USA. She went to Oregon, Arizona and Wisconsin. She lived in Arizona for a long time. She speaks different languages like English, German and French. Michelle decided to become a translator.

We learn that it is necessary to be curious and to have imagination. Michelle Bolduc told us about her experience and she helped us for our lesson on utopia. It was very interesting and enriching. Now we know that the Utopian language is difficult to understand. We liked the meeting with Michelle Bolduc.


Mon roi et conquérant qui a pour nom Utopus,

Un prince plein de renommée et de gloire immortelle,

M'a transformé en une île qui autrefois n'était pas une île,

Entièrement complétée avec la richesse matérielle,

avec plaisir et consolation.


Moi, celui de tout les autres sans philosophie,

J'ai formé de nombreuses cités philosophiques.

Et moi je n'ai rien de dangereux à partager,

C'est tellement mieux de recevoir, je suis prêt

de tout mon cœur.


Noémie G – Maelle 1L


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Rédigé par Lettres

Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016


Publié le 21 Janvier 2016



Mon roi et conquérant du nom d'Utopie,

Un prince de haute renommé et d'un immortel succès,

A fait de moi une île qui jadis n’existait pas,

Débordante de richesses du monde,

par plaisir et consolation.

Je suis l'un de ceux sans philosophie,

Qui a formé pour beaucoup une cité philosophique,

Et la mienne n'a rien de dangereux à transmettre,

Il est meilleur de recevoir, je suis prêt

avec tout mon cœur



We learnt about Michelle Bolduc's life. She travelled across the USA. She went from Massachusetts to Oregon then from Oregon to Arizona. She speaks English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.

Moreover, we discovered the story of Babel where there is only one language spoken but then God punished the inhabitants of the city and made them speak several languages.

She also showed us some video clips, for example an extract from “La cour de Babel” which features some teenagers who are from different countries around the world.

Mrs Bolduc helped us to translate the first page of Thomas More's most famous book, Utopia.


Eventually, we enjoyed the time spent with her. She was really funny, enthusiastic in her speaking, and was kind with the class. It was interesting that someone came from abroad to introduce herself and share her knowledge.






Youna - Martin - Esther 1 L

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2016
