Publié le 21 Janvier 2016
Mon roi et conquérant, Utopos de nom
Un prince de grande renommée avec une notoriété immortelle
m'a créé une île où jadis, il n'y avait pas d'îlot
remplie de perfection avec une richesse mondiale
avec du plaisir et de la consolation.
Moi, celui de tous qui n'a pas de philosophie,
ai bâti, pour beaucoup, une ville philosophique.
Et moi je n'ai rien de nuisible à diffuser.
C'est tellement mieux de recevoir, je suis prêt,
avec mon cœur tout entier.
First, we have learnt about Michelle Bolduc's life. She is a translator who lives in the USA, she was born in Massachusetts, and her grandparents spoke Quebecois so she wanted to learn it; that's why she got interested in languages. She traveled all around the USA, in different states for years.
Then, we worked on Utopia by Thomas MORE, we didn't know he created a special Utopian language until that day. We started to try to translate this language by guessing the words which seemed like Latin or Spanish for example.
It was a good experience for us to meet a woman who has lived in lots of places and who knows many languages. The work on Utopia was original and interesting. The interaction between Michelle Bolduc and us was lively and friendly because she is nice and quite funny.
Kathleen – Marilou 1L