Articles avec #it's a long way to tipperary - 2014 tag

Publié le 8 Janvier 2015

Le jeudi 6 novembre  2014,  le Mc Donnell Trio a donné un concert au Family, scène landernéenne : A long way to Tipperary est un spectacle qui réunit,  à travers la chanson, les regards croisés de peuples alliés ou ennemis, face à l'épreuve de la Première Guerre mondiale.

A l'origine du projet, le service historique de la ville de Landerneau a souhaité associer le Lycée de l'Elorn à cette commémoration. Cela a donné lieu à une séquence pluridisciplinaire en Première L (français, histoire-géographie, anglais et littérature anglaise).

A la fin, de la représentation, les artistes se sont généreusement prêtés à un jeu de questions-réponses des élèves de 1L, en anglais.

On trouvera ci-dessous les travaux qu'ils ont réalisés en cours de Langue Vivante...


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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015





In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders Fields.





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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015

War of feelings


When men become soldiers

They become murderers

Criminals of mankind

Criminals of feelings


When men kill for the first time

They realize the strength of death

They lose their mind

But, they see poppies, they see hope


And courage comes up

Courage to fight

For them, for their families

Because the poppies are the sun


Like the sun of courage

Poppies against the war

And the soldiers go and fight

Fight for freedom


                                                                                                                                        Mélinda - Pauline 1L

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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015

Sadness of the ground


The soldiers were there
Ready to fight

On the battlefield

Everything was right


They didn't know that they would die

Like dirty dogs without soul

Or, if they were lucky, just lose an eye

Over there, hope was impossible


Can you imagine the horror they feel?

To preserve their heart from death

All alone on the battlefield

They think about their families



Agathe - Kelly  1L

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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015

The War Gazette


                                                                        A day in the trenches


In the morning, after a terrible night, they wake up, they have barely slept. They are covered in mud or dust because they sleep on the ground with rats sothey can't have a shower. They are hungry because they don't eat much. They are tired and weak because they are scared to death every minute, they hear the sound of bombs and guns but they are used to it.


In the afternoon, they fight, hidden in the trenches and they see all their companions dying next to them. They are hopeless: every minute alive is a miracle but the trenches are their shelter. At night, they think about their families and write letters and testimonies. Some of them are so desperate that they get hurt on purpose to be sent to hospital.


After witnessing these scenes, we can conclude that these men are heroes. They sacrifice themselves to defend their country, to protect their people. This is bravery and they are national heroes. They are alone in their struggle. They don't even know if they're going to come back home. They don't live any more. They are survivors.


Tuesday, March 17th 1917

Anna – Louise 1L





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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015


       The War Gazette


A day in the trenches


During WWI thousands of heroes gave their lives for their families and their country. We are going to tell you about a day in the trenches.


                                 Soldiers in the trenches



The sun is rising. The soldiers have already woken up after a short night sleep. Hunger comes back but there is hardly anything to eat. Indeed, there is nothing in the trenches except mud and corpses, again and again. In the trenches, life is really boring. The soldiers always do the same thing: fight. And they try to survive. Sometimes, on a bad day, there are fights in the no man's land between two trenches. There is blood raining. Shouts, violence and death. After the fight, the few soldiers left return to the trenches. When there is something to eat, the soldiers don't know what it is...

The sun sets, another day has gone by, how many days left? Nobody smiles, we can see death in their eyes...

                                                                                                                    Monday, December 15th



Gwenaëlle – Gwenn 1L




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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015


11 December 1917



My dear Matthew,


I hope that you are fine. I know that it is impossible because the conditions are terrible, I think, and I miss you so much. I want you to come back home. Here, everything is sad without you. When you were here, life was better than it is now. But you are fighting for the King, you are so brave. When I see that everyday soldiers die, I'm afraid. You must stay alive, for me, for your family. So fight, you have to remember the time with us to have the hope of achievement. I want to know... how you feel.

I remember when you were here. You were happy with me and our children. Now, I don't know but I love you my dear and I am looking forward to reading your next letter. I love you so much.




PS: Your daughter has drawn something for you...We hope it can help you to remember the life with us, and why you have to stay alive.


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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015


November 3rd 1914


My dearest John,


You left two months ago and I miss you. Days without you appear never-ending, your words, your smile, I miss them. Here, Brian is fine. Yesterday, he made his first step: it is so sad that you're not here to see our son growing up. My days are empty, there is only Brian who can distract me. But you know what? I'm two months pregnant.

What about you, how are you? I keep waiting for your letter but I am very worried because you promised me you would be back after a week but you're not here two months later. Brian is looking for you everywhere. I suppose he misses his father.

You don't say anything about the fight in your letters. You always talk about useless things, like your companion's last joke, or ask me to send you a new packet of cigarette because you don't have any left. Sometimes, I have the feeling that the eastern front is quite comfortable, that you do not suffer shortages of food and that you are fine over there, that fights are not so hard and that everything goes well.

I love you so much.





Mathilde – Janick 1L

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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015


A tribute to a war hero


We are all here today in honor of this hero, this soldier, our father, our husband, our brother, our son, our friend, who has gone too early. The war killed him, he died as a hero and he will always be a hero. He fought for our country, he risked his life for us. I have never known in my whole life anybody as courageous, fearless and committed as him. Since his childhood, he has always been determined, he has always taken up challenges and has always gone beyond his limits. You are a role model for the people and you will always stay in our hearts and memories. In the name of our country, thank you and god bless you.




                                                                                           Sophie - Maryne 1L

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Publié le 8 Janvier 2015


A tribute to John O'Connell




We wish to pay a tribute to John O'Connell, a famous soldier, for his family and his friends who have seen him go and fight the first world war and who haven't seen him come back. John was a brave man, he has defeated 20 Germans alone. He has fought for his country, he was ready to risk his life to save his companions, to save his country and his regiment. He has gone beyond his limits and overcome difficulties to achieve his goal. His death has affected us because he was the leader of the regiment. He was also courageous because he has given his life for his country. So, he was a brave man whose actions were extraordinary.


I offer my sincere condolences to his family and friends.


Marine – Salomé 1L









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